Monday, May 25, 2009

Rainy day, popcorn day.

It has been raining on and off for a couple days and the ground is wet, the mood is high, and the air is soft. So I do what is right under those circumstances (as well as almost any other circumstance.) I make popcorn. Today it was plain popcorn cooked in light olive oil in my new Stir Crazy machine, a simple machine bought after being coveted for almost 6 years. A hearty sprinkle of fine popcorn salt and it was perfect. Popcorn is a food that never loses its appeal for me. Must be genetic since my sisters and son are the same - all popcorn, all the time. I've almost got my husband on the bandwagon, too. He likes his coated in caramel but is coming around to salted, buttered, or cheesed. Still raining, corn is ready. Anyone for a game of hearts?

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